Friday, April 22, 2016

The Attention Seeking Chetan Bhagat

Hello Chetan Bhagat,
I just read your letter to the Kashmir people and it seems like you not only gave them a little lesson on history but also taught them a little more about their own religion (intolerance against women). I wonder what you have to say about the fundamentalist hindus forces ?

If you are confused about the subject, than I suggest you watch the news on how women are not allowed to entry temples, or perhaps you like to answer why fetal sex determination is banned in India. I will give you a hint, it has somethin to do with dowry being born a girl.

I am not going to debate on both the issues you tried to address but here is what I want you to answer. How are Muslims treated in India ? I am not talking about SRK and Salman Khan nor am I going to talk about what Amar Khan went through when he tried voicing his opinion.
I am going to talk about the real Muslims living in India the ones that have to struggle to make a living. I stay on the outskirts of mumbai (Vasai) and here most buildings societies do not allow Muslims to stay or buy houses. This is a fact and not fiction from books you written in the past. 
This discrimination is just the tip of the ice berg . There is a mass difference in  social status, political activism, financial condition, educational qualification that builds prosperity of a community. I believe they are an outcast and they know it but yet decides to stay here because I presume like you Rightly said India is a better place for Muslims than Pakistan, and I think they know it. Now here is an interesting question just because they know it should they tolerate what is dished out to them ? 

To address your concerns on Article 370. I would like to know why would you want it removed ? for people who dont know what Article 370 is, here is what I googled.

Article 370 of the Indian constitution is an article that grants special autonomous status to the state of Jammu and Kashmir. The article is drafted in Part XXI of the Constitution, which relates to Temporary, Transitional and Special Provisions.

I believe in India we have special treatment for everybody . If we have to talk about reservations on the scheduled caste or up lifting the poor with tax payers money which has been going on for decades and yet they remain poor .

There is special treatment for politicians, rich and famous. correct ? if you disagree, I suggest you look at the amount of scams among the rich and powerful and let me know how many has justice been served. There has always been discrimination in India . So basically, no one is really equal in the eyes of this constitutions .  To remove article 370 we must remove all special reservations and treat every Indian the same. 

Ask not what the Kashmir people done for the country, ask what you have done for them.

Lisbon Ferrao

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